Monday, June 7, 2010


Artiba Jones More then Beauty
Interview by: Geneva Relf 

Geneva: Greetings and Good Day, thanks for taking the time out for this interview!

Artiba: No thank you!I appreciate the opportunity!

Geneva: Now for those who need to be introduced to you can you please tell them who you are?

Artiba: I am a Young Entreprenuer & Entertainer from Chicago. From Modeling to theatrical dance, to anything that allows me to express myself and share with the world. My life involves creating wonderful experiences for other young talented individuals as my self. Such as Conducting fashion shows, exposing dancers, and other Artist to industry professionals.

Geneva: Now I understand your from Chicago?

Aritba: Yes Born & raised on Chicago's Southside. 

Geneva: Now I understand that modeling isn't all that you do. You have a wide range of talents can you tell us what those other talents are?

Artiba: Wow! Yes Geneva the list goes on and on! Im gratefull to say that I have been blessed with many Talents. I have been apart of the Chicago Urban Dance industry since 2003. Where my first dance association was Final Phaze Dance troupe (2003-2005). An continued into College where I Then Joined Envy Dance Group (2008-until). I also Sing, Write Lyrics & poetry. I am creative Director of my a few of my photoshoots & dance videos. Art is my Life!

Geneva: Now your a singer how long have you been singing?

Artiba: Since I was a little girl Ive always took an interest in Singing. My first Audience was that of my 8th grade graduation where I sang "Count on Me"-Whitney Houston.

Geneva: Now what do you love most about modeling?

Artiba:  Its very Expressive! I love that a photo is a moment and to be able to create an emotion or vision and Capture it is Everything to me! Modeling has opened my eyes to so many different opportunities in the Arts. I love to Network and youre gauranteed to meet brilliant people.

Geneva: What sets you apart for other models?

Artiba: I'll say this, I am more than just the muse. I dont just take photos and walk the runway! I Put in WORK!! Believe when I say im Dedicated! I AM DEDICATED!! Whatever the project is, its my focus and all of my energy is put into it! Ill be behind the scenes giving directors ideas and inspiring the crew! I know im a joy to work with.

Geneva: When did you realize that this is what you wanted to do with your life?

Artiba: It all came natural, it wasnt even a choice truthfully. This is what I am born to do. I've been in Love with the Art of Entertainment since I can remember.

Geneva: Now you also act, what would be the highlight to your acting career?

Artiba: Yes ma'am I do! My first major role in a movie will be my highlight. I'll know I've worked hard to get there!

Geneva: Now being a dancer of Urban and modern what is the hardest part about dance?

Artiba: I would say execution. It is prime to execute and stick moves while staying in character of the emotion of the dance. All in all its a beautiful technique, I love the stress.

Geneva: Being from Chicago where is the best hot spot for food?

Artiba: My favorite Subject haha! No hesitation The Tavern on Rush! Theyre menu will have you in a trance! Double baked potatoes with cheddar and American cheese, Jumbo chipotle shrimp! mmm! Its everything I promise.

Geneva: Now I understand you have done some fashion Shows can you tell us about that?

Artiba:  Yes I have worked with numerous projects in the City of Chicago! I have worked Designers Brokyn Inglish, Urban Punk, Aaron Andrews, Ethic Zeal, The Legendary Mr Creatistic, Socialite, 8twentyeight,Loehmanns, A'gaci, etc. Yk Mgmt in the fall into sexy fashion show at the Alhambra Palace, Lionel Jacksons Black Carpet Event! All amazing companies. A great please working with them all.

Geneva: Who do you inspire to work with fashion industry wise?

Artiba:  Everyone...*serious face*.  

Geneva: What was that moment of  "I Have Arrived"  for you or are you still looking for that moment?

Artiba: I Feel as if that moment has yet to come! But every breath I take I feel the Blessings and I know its awaiting in my future. Believe me I'm running toward it lbs!

Geneva: Where do you see yourself in say ten years from now?

Artiba:  I will be apart of some of everything! Successfull and Never ending entertainment. Ceo of my very own Ent. company and much more. Forever expanding my network. Stay tuned!

Geneva: What is the biggest mistake upcoming models make?

Artiba: Not being 100% true to thierself. Personality is what sells along with professionalism, Experience, and Drive.

Geneva: If you could give one core piece of advice what would it be about this industry?

Artiba: You have to realisticly sumbit yourself into this industry and have no fear! There will be more rejection than acceptance in the industry & you have to take in as much criticism as you do praise.But you have to stay focused always be professional & pray!  

Geneva: If you could sum up who you are in one phrase what would it be and why?

Artiba: A "Gift", thats how I feel about life period. I have been blessed to provide the world with brilliance in Talent and Art form ideas. Im humble and bring beautiful energy to anyone around me, I'm just a loving person at heart.

Geneva: What upcoming projects can we look forward to from you?

Artiba: July 30th 2010 I am coordinating my very first FashionShow. The " Express Yourself" Fashion show and concert. Artist Tiara Thomas, Km the original, Envy Dance and many more will provide the audience with a memorable experience.My mission for the show is to expose young talent and provide major opportunities by introducing talent to industry professionals. for more info and current updates add my  

Geneva:  Now a lot of models have certain shoots they just won't do. Is there any shoots that your oppose to as a model if so why?

Artiba: Yes I believe Modeling is Art, but as a woman you have to maintain your morals. You have to make wise choices in what you decide to do with exposing your body which is private and precious. No Nudity for me.

Geneva: As a dancer what artist would you aspire to work with?

Artiba: I would definitely say Matt Cady from Fanny Pak! Choreography is Dopeness!

Geneva: However as a singer who would you inspire to collaborate with someday?

Artiba: I would love to colab with Lady GaGa! That woman is a True Artist! I love her work and creativity!

Geneva: What was the biggest lesson you have learn from this business?

Artiba: Business is No casual affair! Be personable and professional.You have an image to uphold at all times. Make significant everlasting decisions.

Geneva: Thanks again for this opportunity to interview you! Please don't forget to tell the people where to find you, and also is there anything you would like to add before we go?

No thank you Geneva! You can find me on twitter at, Facebook: Artiba Jones for the most recent updates on Events and projects! To all my Readers, I know this may sound cliche but really, Shoot for your Dreams. You dont want to wake up one morning regreting not taking advantage of all of lifes blessings and opportunities. Stay Humble & Put God first. 

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