Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sarah Tracey Releases TELL NO ONE ......................TODAY

Sarah Tracey Releases Spy-Themed Debut Album 
"Tell No One"

                                                       September 27

For Immediate Release
September 27, 2011- Sarah Tracey was born with an adventurous spirit and flair for drama. Her family tree reads like something out of Indiana Jones: she was descended from Irish horse thieves and Mayflower crusaders; eccentric visionaries and aviation pioneers; scandalous headline-makers and submarine-dodgers; explorers and excavators (it was, after all, on an archeological dig in 1938 that her grandfather discovered one of the first dinosaur fossils in North America).
So, it’s no surprise that in dreaming up her debut full-length album, Tell No One, she slipped into the stiletto boots and fearless drive of a glamorous spy girl, writing dizzy fantasies of jet-setting around the globe and uncovering decadent and dangerous secrets along the way. Do you like Adele and Amy Winehouse? Transport them to the glamorous 1940s and you have Sarah Tracey.
Tell No One covers a decidedly bolder musical terrain than Sarah Tracey has ever dared risk until now. Inspired by the espionage film scores of the Cold War era- complete with a sexy vintage kick and a swingin’ horn section- it’s the perfect backdrop for sipping your martini while reaching for the dynamite in your boot heel, escaping a helicopter while swinging your vintage convertible out of a mountain curve, or an undercover fling into a seductress double agent’s lair. The sultry and sensual vocals that have become Miss Tracey’s trademark are ever-present, but the playful, sassy and empowered vibe owes just as much to Nancy Sinatra as it does Nina Simone.
‘Sitting on pianos and crooning torchy laments got a little boring,’ explains Tracey. ‘It was time to kick it up a notch. I took a chance on this album and just went for it...  I pushed myself out of that comfort zone. I wanted the listener to travel the world with me through their very own dreams and fantasies.’  She points out that ‘Spy’ genre was full of fun musical twists to play with. ‘We have everything represented here from action-packed high-energy retro grooves and surf guitar riffs, to tango and exotic Latin lounge beats, to jazz-inflected lullabies.’
Lyrically, the concept of the ‘secret identity’ took on a rich and emotionally resonant tone. “My lyrical inspiration for these songs was the duality of my two personalities: my controlled ‘everyday’ self vs. my reckless ‘by night’ self. I think a lot of people can relate to the feeling of having a secret, hidden side that you rarely show- just like a secret agent and their ‘cover’ identity.  You may not be travelling on missions to Budapest or Bali, but we all have secret lives.’
Partly funded by her fans, Tell No One was recorded live at legendary Sear Sound Recording in New York City, with sultry grooves provided by some of NYC’s favorite session players. Extra flash was brought in by a brass section straight from Broadway and backup vocals from her own team of Doo-Wop girls. A sexy, stylish, and soulful journey of intrigue through secret hotel rooms, mysterious penthouses, and soaring private jets, Tell No One will be released by Modern Vintage Recordings on September 27, 2011.

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