Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Remember Me

 Make sure you checkout and keep posted with the one and only D.C Don Juan. He's making major moves in the business and if you don't know him by now you should. Don Juan has been making hits and has had some major collaborations. If you not following him on twitter you should be ( http://twitter.com/IamDonJuan ) you never know where he will be next! Also checkout his blog site as well ( http://ilovethosewholoveme.com/ ) where you can find all the exclusive first hand material!  However the video is just a preview for his upcoming pre-album and the fans are buzzing already the anticipation is boiling over. "Juanted" this video was just to let people know he's not sleeping, but working on more music we want to hear! D.C Don Juan is signed to Nu/Battery/ Jive Records he's better known for his hit single "Lookie Looky" .   So sit back and enjoy this is just the start of what's to come. 

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