Monday, June 7, 2010


Jada Pinkett just raised the bar on our BLACK BEAUTY! Ladies sending the Message we all need to embrace our beautiful bodies! We need to embrace our beautiful tanned skin, and embrace the pride in being a women of color! This shoot was personal for Jada she was sending a direct message to her daughter “Lay your eyes on the beauty of black women! That’s the statement. The black woman is very spiritual. She is the ultimate mother, the ultimate of everything. We connect to all things. Lay your eyes on that.”  Jada gave the insight to a global problem many women of  color have, and often face in silence! She went deeper into the flaws “We, as women, have to love ourselves. Whatever you look like, you better be comfortable with it. … All my life black men have told me how flawed I am. People may look at that picture and not necessarily be able to identify my woes about my own body, but I have them. It’s just that I’ve gotten to the point where I’m like, ‘This is me’ and I embrace that. I’m getting older. I’ve got wrinkles in my face that I didn’t before, but it’s my face!”   The issue for Essence is the June/July issue. This is definitely a must have and collectors issue! Jada has said somethings many Black women need to hear, and start to embrace!

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