Friday, June 4, 2010


Dani B. Star among Stars
Interview By: Geneva Relf

Geneva: Dani B. thanks so much for agreeing to this interview! How are you doing today?

Dani B: I'm doing great in the bay chilling with my family just got a new beat from my producer so I'm straight!

Geneva: Now you have been rapping since you were 13 years old. What was it about rap that caught your attention?

Dani B: Rap music doesn't have any limits it touches every subject: Politics, Family, The Ghetto, The Burbs, Relationships etc etc. Since I grew up listening to rap music it was the only way I knew how to express myself when I was going through something and it also got me through a lot.

Geneva: Now for those who don't know who Dani B. is can you please introduce yourself?
Dani B: YO YO YO YO its Dani B from Oakland, CA lol nah but I'm 22 from Oakland, CA I use to be in the girl group Realody and now I'm solo doing my thing working on my 1st solo mixtape been writing since I was kid even though I write I'm also a fan of ALL genres of music and also I'm a songwriter.

Geneva: You have come a long way, what was the biggest lesson you have learned?

Dani B: Don't trust everyone who says they want to help you, and this industry is a "hurry up and wait" industry so have patience!

Geneva: Now what sets Dani B. apart from other  female rappers?

Dani B: I don't rap about sex I just can't do it. I have a little brother who looks up to me and a mother who raised me with some sense I DON'T want to be looked at as a sex symbol I wanna be the "girl next door meets the bad bish down the street."

Geneva: Now you have been very busy, What upcoming projects can we expect from you?

Dani B: I'm working on my mixtape, its taking longer than expected because I'm a perfectionist I'd rather have listeners wait for something great than be disappointed but its coming very soon!! Also brushing up on my performance so check my twitter for shows.

Geneva: If you could sum up yourself in one phrase what would it be and why?

Dani B: Determined....Whatever I put my mind to I accomplish enough said!

Geneva: You were once in a group, now being a solo artist what changes did you have to make?

Dani B: I had to get use to working on complete songs by myself, running sessions by myself and performing by myself which made me a much better artist I've grown so much since then its crazy

Geneva: Who do you inspire to work with music wise, What future collaborations can we expect?

Dani B: Of course I would love to work with the big names but I really would like to work with some very talented Bay Area artist like London, J Mayers and Netta Brielle and a VERY talented brother from Compton by the name of Kendrick Lamar so hopefully those are some future collabs!

Geneva: What advice would you give to upcoming rapper?

Dani B: Perfect your craft, study the best and be better than them but always remember to be yourself while doing it.

Geneva: "Closer" is an amazing song what was your inspiration behind making that?

Dani B: The beat was the inspiration for that song (produced by Klash) I closed my eyes and listened to it and I saw a video in my head and I just wrote the storyline. 

Geneva: "Addicted" is another hot song, How do you know when a track is hit for you?

Dani B: Thank you! I know the song is a hit when I can envision the video in my head and when I'm completely comfortable letting others hear it because you wont hear it if I don't love it!

Geneva: Where do you see yourself music wise say ten years from now?

Dani B: Owning my own label with signed successful artist, and me still making good music.

Geneva: What is the biggest hurdle for female rappers?

Dani B: To be accepted and respected as an artist and not as a sex toy.

Geneva: What is a typical day like for Dani B.?

Dani B: Mannnn writing, writing, writing and plotting on how I can make myself better everyday its all about progress with me oh yea and the gym.

Geneva: Based off your experiences in the music business what advice would you give to upcoming artist? 

Dani B: Keep a circle of people you can really trust around you and always keep a positive attitude!

Geneva: What is that feeling you get when your on stage preforming?

Dani B: I'm not even myself when I'm on stage its like I blackout I'm extra hype its like an adrenaline rush and when I'm done performing I'm like yea this is what I was born to do what I love to do.

Geneva: Now I understand that you working on your solo project what can the fans look forward to?

Dani B: Good music and nothing less!

Geneva: Who are your top five female rappers of all time?

Dani B: Da Brat, Left Eye, MC Lyte, Missy Elliot and Nicki Minaj.

Geneva: Your a songwriter what inspires you to write?

Dani B: My past experiences, things I see, people I meet, life is my inspiration.

Geneva:  What was that defining moment for you in your career where u realized you arrived? Or are you still waiting for that moment?

Dani B: I'm still waiting on my moment but when it comes everyone will know trust me lol.

Geneva: What would be the highlight of your music career?

Dani B: A sold out concert at Madison Square Garden just to know people wanna see me perform and hear my music mannnn I'm waiting on that day.

Geneva: What is the most rewarding part about being an artist?

Dani B: Having people relate to your music.

Geneva: Thanks so much for your time and agreeing to this interview. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans before we go? Also tell us were to find you!

Dani B: Thank you for interviewing me I love your blog keep it up girl! And to my fans tank you for rocking wit me through my rough times I promise this mixtape will be well worth the wait and you guys can find me on   TWITTER.COM/KALLHER_DANI AND MYSPACE.COM/DANIBANGA88


Trixx The Man of Business

Geneva: Thanks so much for agreeing to this interview today! How are you doing?

Trixx: I'm doing great! Sittin here wit my drink in my cup, enjoying life!! lol..

Geneva: Now For those who don't know you, and need to be introduced can you introduce yoursef?

Trixx: They call me "Trixx" or "The Man Wit 2 X's" from Chesapeake, VA.. 7 cities STAND UP!!! I'm known for many things but most know me from my music and my radio show.. My life's pretty interesting, I probably should right a book on my life on the real...

Geneva: Now I understand that you were born in Hawaii but you were raised in Virginia is that correct?

Trixx: LOL.. Hawaii o boy! My father was in the Air Force stationed in Honolulu, HI, and my parents ended up having me over there.. Don't get it twisted tho my parents are Norfolk, VA bred all day, Booker T. Washington, Youngs Park finest!! lol.. It's definitely in my blood! Moved from Hawaii when I was four and been in VA ever since!! This place has turned me out.. Literally! j/k

Geneva: I understand that you caught the music bug at an early age. What was it about music that influenced you?

Trixx: Yeah it caught me around the age of seven.. It was just something about beats with lyrics flowing over top of them that really intrigued me I guess.. And around this time some friends and I began trying to rhyme, plus one of my friends' cousin was a close friend of Missy Elliot so that really inspired and motivated us to do music. There were alot of other contributing factors but those were the main two..

Geneva: Now Growing up in the 90's and comparing to music today what is the major differences you notice?

Trixx: *takes deep breath and chuckles* Well I really don't want to get too deep into this topic, so I'm just going to say that.. Everything changes over a time.. You just gotta make adjustments and try to make it do what it do, so to speak.. Umm.. Is that acceptable? lol

Geneva: Now "Trixx" is a nickname how did that come about?

Trixx: Well, I became a male gigolo at the age of two... lol. Naw I'm just messin around.. My name was originally "Matrixx" but every time me and my homeboys would freestyle they would call me "Trixx", because it was shorter and easier to say.. I like how it sounded so I cut off the "M" and the "A".. 'The Man Wit 2 X's' part came from a Delta from Norfolk State University.. Shoutout to her, where ever she is! I forgot her name too.. smh.. Oops my bad. lol

Geneva: What do you bring to the music game that is different from any other artist?

Trixx: Good question! In one song I heard Nas say, "There's nothing new under sun.. It's not what you do but how its done.." or something along those lines.. So with that being said, all I can do is be as creative as I possibly can be; by incorporating my life struggles and great literary elements into one powerful musical force of my personal expression..

Geneva: Now your not limited on talent I understand your more then an artist, can you tell us what other areas of expertise you have?

Trixx: Yes, I've just discovered a new love of my life called, "RADIO"! lol. I'm an on air personality for a college radio station out here in Norfolk, VA.. HOT91.1FM WNSB (Norfolk State University) and I've been on air now for about a year and some change..  I'm also a promoter, host, video editor/director, studio engineer, and whatever you else you need me to be!

Geneva: Now when your in the studio or in the booth what goes through your mind?

Trixx: I'm a veteran.. I'ma kill this and I gotta give the people what they want!!

Geneva: Many artist say that "The Business is filled with artist but it's the ones who knock down doors that get heard."  Do you think that's an accurate description of the music game?

Trixx: Basically, that sounds just about right. Because no matter how good your music is.. If your business, paperwork, etc.. isn't right and you aren't networking with the proper people then you are just wasting time, energy, and most of all money. I've been blessed to meet some great connects and learned a lot from some knowledgeable people I came in contact with. And now I'm finally going to put them to use!

Geneva: What advice would you give an upcoming or young artist who wants to be in the music game?

Trixx: Take it seriously.. Study your craft and always do your homework. But most of all, learn the BUSINESS as early as you can so you don't let precious years slip pass you.. Music isn't everything but it is.. Food for thought.

Geneva: What do you think is the biggest challenge is for artist today?

Trixx: The business aspect side of it. Because I've heard plenty of great songs from local artists but they don't know how to get their official paperwork and documents together. Oh yea.. Stop trying to rap like Lil Wayne and sing like Drake.. Be yourself! I feel its okay to take a few things from your favorite artists but not their whole swag.. Where's the creativity and originality?

Geneva: Now your also a radio personality for HOT 91 FM, how did you get into that?

Trixx: Mass Communications is my major at NSU.. I felt mass comm would help me network with people that I need to help benefit my rap career. So I reached out to upperclassmen through Facebook to learn more about the field I was studying and what I could do with it..Soon after, I heard about job openings at the radio station so I auditioned.. It took me two or three rejections before I was finally accepted.. I'm the first ever in HOT91 history to go on from 2am-6am and I guess you can say I'm part of the reason we became a 24-hour station with personalities on at all times of the day.. My show comes on every weekend from 2am-6am, called "The Let Out".. When the club let out people hit me up and tell all about their crazy night!! And yes they do be CRAZY!!! lol. Tune in!!! [ or]

Geneva:  When it comes to the business what is the best advice you would give to anyone?

Trixx: Do your homework! Point blank period!

Geneva: If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be and why?

Trixx: Underrated.. Because my whole life I've been overlooked in whatever I participated in..

Geneva: What does Trixx do to relax and calm down after a busy day or week?

Trixx: I like to go to the club and have a good time ya dig..I usually meet some new friends who throw another "X" on the end of my name! lol. Shoutout to all the lovely ladies out there! Stay sexy and keep the heels on!

Geneva: what is the next level for you?

Trixx: STARDOM!!! Well I hope because I've really based my life around my music and I'm prepared to take on this rough, epic journey.. I feel with all the resources I have now, I'm capable of reaching my desired destiny.

Geneva: When it comes to the future in the business where do you see yourself in say 10 years from now?

Trixx: Ten years from now.. I see myself with multiple platinum albums sold and possibly entering TV and Film industry. I want to expand my name and face as far as I can! And eventually, put out other talented acts signed to me..

Geneva: What upcoming projects can we expect from you?

Trixx: Plenty of great music! I have tons of songs that are waiting to be released when the time is right. Listen out for me making feature appearances on other local artists songs and me hosting a few mixtapes as well.. But right now, its all about my single, "Drink In Ya Cup" that I'm pushing. The single is already out, but the song is a feature track on my upcoming mixtape, called "The Lion's Den". I haven't released a CD in a couple years and I feel the wait is finally over.. Stay tuned!

Geneva: Who have you worked with so far, and inspire to work with in the future?

Trixx: Wow.. That's a long list right there! lol.. I'ma try to list everyone that I've worked with that I can.. Artists: AK.J, Peat, FP, Bre-Eies, Blizz, A.Byrd, Blitz, Eardrumz, N.Kage, A.Tillz, The Letter A, Travis, and umm, many others!! Producers: Eardrumz, FP, Suwaside Ent., JB Rye, Mikhail White (OTWP), G-Mac, M.Rell, Blitz, and other hot producers that send me tracks.. Keep da heat coming!! But I would like to work with Timbaland, Swizz Beats, Pharell, Kanye West.... For real fo real, I want to work with anybody that's capable of producing great music!

Geneva: "Drink in ya Cup " how did that track come about?

Trixx: Actually, this song was created as a class project for the producer, Bayce Beatz.. He called me up, told me to come to the studio on campus because he had some beats that he needed an artist to spit on. When I arrived, he told me it was a club type track then played the beat. After that it was a wrap! I didn't get to finish song at the time, so I came back to the studio about 12 o'clock later on that night and completed it.. He mixed it and mastered it and put the icing on the cake. That was early '08 too!! lol.. But hey, somethings just take a little more time before it catches fire.

Geneva: What do you think is the biggest mistake made by artist in the game today?

Trixx: Signing your name to something you have no idea what you're signing! lol.. Get a lawyer to look over your documents!

Geneva: if you could collaborate with any artist past or present who would be and why?

Trixx: Anybody that's willing to work with me, honestly.. But if I had to pick somebody it would be Eminem! To me, Em is the best lyricist and the hottest rapper ever.. His bars and punchlines are crazy and he also makes those songs that play with your emotions.. So, for someone to be able to do something like that they have to be extremely talented. I'm pretty sure many people would agree with me on this selection.

Geneva: What is the one thing you want to people to understand about you?

Trixx: I'm a full-time student and I'm constantly learning something new everyday! Knowledge is power.. Seek the power!

Geneva: Thanks again for your time, is there anything you would like to say to your fans, supporters before we go? Also don't forget to tell us where to find you!

Trixx: "Drink In Ya Cup" coming to a radio station near you!! Request it!!! I'm always on the internet, find me!!